Student Community Group Opportunites
Bellingham Youth Jazz Band -

Under the direction of Mark Kelly, The Jazz Project’s Bellingham Youth Jazz Band begins its thirteenth year as a Jazz Project program. The BYJB provides middle school and high school students the opportunity to learn America’s original art form from the masters. With your support, this program will enhance opportunities for young jazzers and help families foster an awareness and appreciation for jazz. The BYJB performs concerts throughout Whatcom County each year. Donations may be made directly to this band on this website.
The Jazz Project's "Bellingham Youth Jazz Band" was created in 1997 by musician and educator, Mark Kelly, as a feeder program for the local high school jazz bands. The group is currently made up of twenty nine 6th - 9th grade students from ten Whatcom County schools. The BYJB meets Wednesday nights at the Bellingham Senior Activities Center, where rehearsal space for the group is donated by Whatcom County Parks.
The BYJB performs about 40 free community concerts throughout Whatcom County in local parks, theaters, schools, nursing homes, fairs, dances, and jazz festivals. The BYJB learns and recreates the classic American Jazz standards of the 1920's - 1970's using a standard 18 piece big band format. In addition, selected students make up several smaller combos to perform at concerts, and individuals are featured on solos and vocal arrangements.
The Jazz Project charges tuition (currently $135 per trimester) and seeks private and public grants and donations from the community. Fund raising activities by parents and students supplement the annual budget. The Jazz Project (a 501(c)3 non-profit), pays for music, equipment, director salary, scholarships, lessons, clinicians, and all other expenses. All contributions to The Jazz Project are tax-deductible. Contact Jud Sherwood for more information on how you can support the BYJB.
The BYJB plays regularly around Bellingham to a wide range of audiences. Mark Kelly was awarded the Mayor's Arts Award in 2000 and the San Juan Music Educator's 'Friend of Music' award in 2008 for his work with these young musicians, and his band continues to create community connections across several generations with their concerts and swing dances. If you would like the BYJB to play for your event, or know someone who would like to audition for the band, please contact Mark Kelly at 360.676.5750. Contact the Jazz Project for scholarship information and applications.
Fidalgo Youth Symphony -

Fidalgo Youth Symphony is a nonprofit organization now in its 18th year of offering orchestral training and experience for talented young musicians in Northwest Washington. It consists of Sinfonette, Junior and Youth Symphonies. All are under the direction of the talented and highly motivating Sharyn Peterson. The groups meet for rehearsal weekly during the academic year and perform the following concerts: Fall, Holiday, Spring, and Season Finale.
Sinfonette - Sinfonette is designed for younger musicians, with special provisions for beginners. This program is designed to help introduce young musicians into our larger programs. Informal audition with David Jones, conductor, is required.
Junior Symphony - Junior Symphony is designed to accommodate musicians up to the age of 21 with a minimum of 2 years private study or permission of the Conductor. They perform intermediate symphonic works and join the Youth Symphony to create the Festival piece featured at each concert.
Youth Symphony Youth Symphony musicians are the most experienced musicians in our organization, up to the age of 21. They perform challenging symphonic literature on an advanced level.
Sinfonette - Sinfonette is designed for younger musicians, with special provisions for beginners. This program is designed to help introduce young musicians into our larger programs. Informal audition with David Jones, conductor, is required.
Junior Symphony - Junior Symphony is designed to accommodate musicians up to the age of 21 with a minimum of 2 years private study or permission of the Conductor. They perform intermediate symphonic works and join the Youth Symphony to create the Festival piece featured at each concert.
Youth Symphony Youth Symphony musicians are the most experienced musicians in our organization, up to the age of 21. They perform challenging symphonic literature on an advanced level.
Mt. Baker Youth Symphony -

Mt. Baker Youth Symphony (MBYS) is an organization that provides a wholesome and stimulating environment for talented and gifted young musicians. An emphasis is placed on creating an atmosphere that encourages, challenges and develops their fullest potential in the art of performance. Participants benefit from a year-long youth symphony program designed to nurture their enjoyment of music as well as develop their musical skills and self-confidence. This program consists of a balance of rehearsals, sectional coaching sessions and concerts.
North Sound Youth Symphony -

North Sound Youth Symphony, based in Bellingham, WA, consists of over 100 young musicians, ages 9 to 22, from Blaine, Ferndale, Lynden, Mount Baker, Bellingham, and Whatcom County.
NSYS offers three performance levels: Symphony, Philharmonia and Debut Symphony. Conductors are Grant Donnellan, Morgan Schwab and Coral Marchant. They are assisted by a professional coaching staff and by WWU Music Education Majors who serve as coaches and mentors for the NSYS students.
NSYS offers three performance levels: Symphony, Philharmonia and Debut. Conductors are Grant Donnellan, Morgan Schwab and Coral Marchant. They are assisted by a professional coaching staff and by WWU Music Education Majors who serve as coaches and mentors for the NSYS students.
NSYS offers three performance levels: Symphony, Philharmonia and Debut Symphony. Conductors are Grant Donnellan, Morgan Schwab and Coral Marchant. They are assisted by a professional coaching staff and by WWU Music Education Majors who serve as coaches and mentors for the NSYS students.
NSYS offers three performance levels: Symphony, Philharmonia and Debut. Conductors are Grant Donnellan, Morgan Schwab and Coral Marchant. They are assisted by a professional coaching staff and by WWU Music Education Majors who serve as coaches and mentors for the NSYS students.