About The Solo and Ensemble Contests:
The SJMEA Junior Solo/Ensemble is held on the first Saturday of February. This event provides the opportunity for Junior-level students to perform for judges who are experts on their instruments, receive useful feedback, and prepare themselves for High School-level Solo/Ensemble Festival, which is a regional competition.
The ensemble contest includes "small" (up to four members) and "large" (up to sixteen) ensembles in seven categories: woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings, women's vocal, men's vocal and mixed vocal. There are 29 solo categories, including seven woodwind categories, five brass, four percussion, four strings, six vocal, piano, guitar and harp.
All regional Solo/Ensemble events (both Junior and Senior) are governed by the WIAA/WMEA State Solo/Ensemble Rules.
Costs: $15 for solos and $20 for ensembles
SJMEA does not accept payment from families - under any circumstance.
Families must pay their school, and the school will pay the full amount of the invoice.
Bookkeeper will include the invoice and mark the check with the event it is paying for and the school it is paying for.
SJMEA never accepts cash or purchase orders.
The ensemble contest includes "small" (up to four members) and "large" (up to sixteen) ensembles in seven categories: woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings, women's vocal, men's vocal and mixed vocal. There are 29 solo categories, including seven woodwind categories, five brass, four percussion, four strings, six vocal, piano, guitar and harp.
All regional Solo/Ensemble events (both Junior and Senior) are governed by the WIAA/WMEA State Solo/Ensemble Rules.
Costs: $15 for solos and $20 for ensembles
SJMEA does not accept payment from families - under any circumstance.
Families must pay their school, and the school will pay the full amount of the invoice.
Bookkeeper will include the invoice and mark the check with the event it is paying for and the school it is paying for.
SJMEA never accepts cash or purchase orders.