Dear Local Music Teachers,
SJMEA is YOUR association and is dedicated to serving the membership in advocating music in the schools and the community. In order for these associations to remain a vital link in the state and national advocacy process, we need your voice in the regional activities. We also strongly encourage you to be a member of the national music association (NAfME) which makes you a member of the state organization (WMEA). The NAfME is affiliated with other music education resources and has wonderful mailings and magazines to assist your music education. Please communicate with your administrators and parent booster groups that this is not only vital but necessary for you to maintain musical excellence!
Music Matters License Plates
Many of you know that the Music Matters license plate project was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Christine Gregoire. This is GREAT news for all of us, as all funds raised will benefit music education. For more information, please download a copy of the FAQs.
APPROVING YOUR SCHOOL: ANY accredited school music teacher (grades K-12, public or private) can apply for the school’s music department or music booster group to receive these designated funds. Simply download the PDF form, complete it and obtain the appropriate signatures. Then mail, fax or e-mail the form to WMEA and the process will be completed. Be among the first to take advantage of this GREAT way to raise supplemental funds for your groups. Your parents, your driving students and others will hopefully be proud to display Music Matters license plates on their cars, and the funds raised can supplement your music programs.
DONATING YOUR LICENSE’S PROCEEDS to the school music department of your choice is also easy. Purchase the plates either online at the DOL website or at any authorized outlet. Once you receive the green registration showing you have completed the purchase, make a copy of it and then follow these three simple steps:
1. Write your e-mail address on the copy of the form. WMEA-Music Matters
2. Write the school name and city on the copy of the form. 19707 64th Ave W, Suite 101
3. Mail, fax or e-mail the copy of the form to: Lynnwood, WA 98036
FAX: 425-776-1795
E-mail: [email protected]
To see the pool fund in action, click on this KING-5 TV News link. The story in the news link is by Eric Wilkinson and reported by Meg Coyle, both of whom contributed public service announcements to WMEA on the benefits of music education. To hear more PSAs, please click here.
APPROVING YOUR SCHOOL: ANY accredited school music teacher (grades K-12, public or private) can apply for the school’s music department or music booster group to receive these designated funds. Simply download the PDF form, complete it and obtain the appropriate signatures. Then mail, fax or e-mail the form to WMEA and the process will be completed. Be among the first to take advantage of this GREAT way to raise supplemental funds for your groups. Your parents, your driving students and others will hopefully be proud to display Music Matters license plates on their cars, and the funds raised can supplement your music programs.
DONATING YOUR LICENSE’S PROCEEDS to the school music department of your choice is also easy. Purchase the plates either online at the DOL website or at any authorized outlet. Once you receive the green registration showing you have completed the purchase, make a copy of it and then follow these three simple steps:
1. Write your e-mail address on the copy of the form. WMEA-Music Matters
2. Write the school name and city on the copy of the form. 19707 64th Ave W, Suite 101
3. Mail, fax or e-mail the copy of the form to: Lynnwood, WA 98036
FAX: 425-776-1795
E-mail: [email protected]
To see the pool fund in action, click on this KING-5 TV News link. The story in the news link is by Eric Wilkinson and reported by Meg Coyle, both of whom contributed public service announcements to WMEA on the benefits of music education. To hear more PSAs, please click here.
"The mission of the Washington Music Educators Association is to ensure that every student in Washington State has access to a comprehensive, sequential music education taught by a qualified instructor."